The Penn State Alumni Association

What’s been happening:

Like everyone else there are family, work and lots of other issues. Since 1984 I have been very fortunate to be married to Kay Carnahan, also a Penn State graduate. Until 1991 we lived in Lancaster County across town from my parents. This put us near most of my extended family. Kay found new employment in lower Delaware, which is her home state. Since then we have lived in the historic district in The First Town In The First State: Lewes, Delaware. There have been ups and downs, but being with Kay has certainly made them more enjoyable or bearable as the case may be. Right out of school I began working in my field as a soil scientist, mainly at landfills and hazardous waste sites. Once on the Delmarva Peninsula, the issues were mainly addressing natural resources driven by regulatory requirements. As a professional soil and wetland scientist I cover the Mid-Atlantic for the consulting firm Environmental Resources, Inc., of which I am part owner. By getting involved with other issues, I have become connected to my adopted town and state. In Lewes I am a member of the Parks and Recreation Commission and Greenways and Trails Committee. At nearby Cape Henlopen State Park I have volunteered for years, including founding a Friends groups to assist the park in their mission. The only way for each of us to appreciate our natural surrounding is to get out into them.